The 27th Annual Pennsylvania Immunization Conference (PIC 2023) registration’s open: 27th Pennsylvania Immunization Conference - Penn State College of Medicine Continuing Education (psu.edu) for your consideration in attending and sharing with staff, colleagues, providers, vendors, stakeholders, and promoting via networks and partnerships.
DATE: Thursday, June 15, 2023.
TIME: 8:30 a.m. – 4:30 p.m.
7:30 a.m.: Check in, Refreshments, Exhibits, and Network.
LOCATION: Hershey Lodge, Hershey, PA.
Agenda topics with national, state, and local speakers, continuing education credits (CECs), costs, deadlines, and local hotels are included in the registration link.
Attendance Options: In-person and virtual/live.
PIC 2023 Conference Exhibitor:
Contact: REQUEST INFORMATION regarding course #J6900 if you are interested in being a PIC 2023 Conference Exhibitor.
Contact: ContinuingEd@PennStateHealth.psu.edu.
Thank you. My Best, Candance Sanderson, M.Ed. Candance Sanderson, M.Ed. | Public Health Program Administrator Division of Immunizations l Vaccines for Children (VFC) Program Pennsylvania Department of Health | Bureau of Communicable Diseases 625 Forster Street, Rm 1026 Harrisburg, PA 17120-0701 Email: cansanders@pa.gov VFC webpage