You're Invited to a CCMS Webinar
"Leveraging Generative AI To Streamline Your Practice"
*also known as ChatGPT, LLMs (large language models), Bing, Claude, or one of many other tools
September 13, 2023
7 – 8 p.m. EST
Zoom Link Below
Join the Chester County Medical Society to share, learn, and discuss your own experience with these tools and how they integrate into your process and workflow with our guest speaker:
Donna Murdoch, Ed.D.
Associate Professor of Adult Learning,
Innovation, & Emerging Technologies
Columbia University Teachers College
Global Consultant and Advisor, Relevancy Works
Discussion will include topics such as:
How ChatGPT can help you provide better care for your patients by freeing up time and making some of the workflow of non-caregiving time less burdensome.
Beginners, experienced, and the curious are All Welcome
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Meeting ID: 899 4163 9417
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Additional information can be found on our website click here.
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